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How to Determine A Referees Paperwork Status?Printable


Assignors - How to Determine A Referees Paperwork Status?

This FAQ provides assistance in answering the following questions. Simply Read Top to Bottom or click on the link/s below to go directly to that particular section of this FAQ:

What are the Paperwork Requirements for Referees?

How to Determine an Individuals Paperwork Status?

How to Determine the Paperwork Status for any One (1) Particular Individual?

How to Determine if an Individual is a Youth Referee (Under Age 18)?

It is important to first remember what each of the Paperwork Requirements for Referees are:

  • All Referees (Adult & Youth) must meet the following requirements:
    - Have on File a properly completed W9 Form
    - Have their SSN entered into their User Profile
    - Have a valid current WSYSA RMA Clearance
  • Youth Officials (those under 18 years of age) must meet each of the three (3) items identified above as well as the following additional items:
    - Proof of Birth
    - Current Parent/School Authorization Form - this form must be updated/submitted Annually. Each submission is only good for one year and therefore has an Expiration Date posted in the members profile.

Keep in mind that the required Paperwork can change from year to year, as many of the requirements are imposed upon the District IV by other organizations (e.g. the U.S. Government, Washington State, WSYSA, etc.).

Also please remember that Referees will not be permitted to Self-Assign unless ALL of their Paperwork Requirements have been met.

If you have any questions on the Paperwork Requirements including how to acquire and submit, please revisit the Paperwork FAQ

How to Determine an Individuals Paperwork Status?

    • Click on Assignor: Users

    • Ensure that the following fields are selected for viewing in the Users Criteria Section:
      - Role
      - Characteristic
      - RankRef
      - RankAR
      - Expiration
      - SSN
      - RMA
      - RAM Status
    • Ensure that the following Role selection is made in the Users Criteria Section and then click Show
      - Role = Referee (using Drop Down Selection)

  • From this display, you can now determine the Paperwork Status for each of the individuals listed in the display as defined below. Please note that all shown in this display are identified as Referees due to the fact you had selected Role=Referee.

    The Characteristics Column will display the applicable Icon for those who have a Proof of Age and/or W9 Form on File:
    - Proof of Age {Icon= ProofOfAge }
    - W9 {Icon = w9 }

    Please note that the Characteristics Column may contain many Icons - some of which are quite similar in appearance. To ensure you are confirming the correct Icon, if you place your cursor over the Icon in question, the system will display the meaning of that Icon for a short period of time. You also elect to screen for only one particular Characteristic - say W9 by selecting W9 in the Characteristic Block of the User Criteria section and clicking on Show. This would then limit the Display to those Individuals with a Role of Referee and Characteristic = W9.

    The remainder of the Paperwork Status can be noted/seen as follows:
    - RMA - Will display the individuals RMA# if any has been issued. The number by itself Does Not indicate that an individual is cleared. Simply that they have applied.

    - RMA Status - This will indicate the individuals latest RMA Status (i.e. Cleared, Not Cleared, Expired.) If you desire, you can force the system to update this status (re-Check Now) by following the directions below regarding the Action Icon

    - RankRef
    - 3 - Can Self Assign to U10 and Below;
    - 2 - Can Self Assign to U08 and Below;
    - 0 - Cannot Self Assign

    - RankAR
    - Same Ranking system as for RankRef above

    - SSN - Will display "Provided" for those who have entered their SSN in their User Profile. "Unspecified" indicates that no SSN has been provided. Actual SSN information is only visible to the Member themselves via their Member: Profile and to System Administrators.

    - Expiration - Will display the latest Expiration Date if a Parent/School Authorization Form has been submitted. If blank, then no Parent/School Authorization Form has been submitted.

    Action Icon object - Clicking on this Icon will force the system to immediately Re-Check this members RMA Status with WSYSA. You will see the return response from WSYSA at the top of the display. You can do this at any time for any individual - it will not hurt or damage the system in any way. This is the same check that happens automatically each time an individual logs onto the District IV Website.

How to Determine the Paperwork Status for any One (1) Particular Individual?

To see the status for any particular individual, simply enter the individual's Last Name into the Name Field in the User Criteria Section and click Show. You should then be able to see the Paperwork Status for any individual that matches that name.

How to Determine if an Individual is a Youth Referee (Under Age 18)?

To determine the age of an Official:

    • First, obtain a listing that includes the name of the Individual in question by following the directions listed in "How to Determine the Paperwork Status for any One (1) Particular individual" above.
    • Click on the Number in the Key Column for the individual in question.
      This will open that individuals Profile and allow you to see the individuals DOB information (including individuals Age) in the [Assignor} portion of the Display. If you only see the Assignor Line but no data, simply click the small triangle just to the right of the word "Assignor". This will expand that portion of the display and make the DOB, Referee Ranking and RMA information visible.