How do I file/submit a Match Report?Match Reports (Score Reporting) will be performed via the website. Following the match, each team (Home and Away) is to submit a match report. One of the Teams Staff members is to submit the match report for their team. Each team staff member has the same access rights on the website for their team. Simply Log on to the site, go to Coach: Match Report (path: http://www.nsysasoccer.org/coachmatchreports ), and click on the match # for the report you are submitting. Fill out the form completely. Please note that if no Cards were issued, the proper response is 0 (Zero). A blank is not acceptable. To actually file/submit the report, you must click on the File button at the bottom of the report. After filing/submission, you will note at the top of the screen if the report has been accepted as submitted or if the system noted an error in your report. If an error is noted, please correct and re-submit. There should be no reason that such a report cannot be properly submitted within 48 hours of the match. Should anyone experience any difficulties in submitting their match report, please contact your clubs Registrar, or NSYSA via e-mail at administrator@NSYSAsoccer.org. | |||||||||||||